Join the Group
Chairperson: Yael Braun
Established in 2013 by the late Tzippi Suesskind, Orna Wertheim and Suzanne Landau
The Voting for Art Acquisition Group was established to enhance the Museum’s collection with contemporary Israeli artworks, by creating a group of highly engaged art lovers who are keen on contributing to the Museum and taking an active part in expanding its collections. The funds donated by the group members are earmarked exclusively for the acquisition of works for the Museum collection.
The group’s activities take place throughout the year, and its rich program includes a series of meetings, including guided tours of exhibitions, studio visits, and professional lectures. In addition, group members are invited to participate in professional art tours abroad (such as a trip to the Venice Art Biennale).
The group contributes significantly to the Museum’s ability to update its collections – of Israeli art, prints and drawings, and photography – with selected Israeli artworks, and to fill in any historical gaps that may arise. Throughout the year, the Museum’s curators present a wide selection of potential works to the group’s members for consideration; at the final meeting, the members decide, by majority vote, which of these works should be purchased. In its first decade of operation, the group has purchased more than 150 works of art for the Museum’s collection, at a total cost of over NIS 3 million.
For further information, and to join
Tel. +972-3-6077048
Membership in the Acquisition Group is on an annual basis. The annual donation is NIS 15,000 (for a couple or an individual) and is deductible for tax purposes in Israel and other countries.
The donation must be completed before the start of the Hebrew year, when the group’s annual activity plan is also published.
In addition to participating in the Acquisition Group’s meetings and activities, members enjoy benefits reserved to Museum donors – such as invitations to opening events, personal guided tours, free admission into the Museum, and more.
Recent Acquisitions

Elad Larom, Refugees Snooker, 2023
Oil on canvas, 134×148.5 cm, courtesy of the artist
Courtesy of the artist
Purchased through the generosity of Voting for Art Group for Acquisition of Israeli Art, 2024
23 Israeli works of art by 14 Israeli Artists were purchased in 2024 for the Museum’s collection by Voting for Art Acquisition Group.
On presentation of a membership card
On presentation of Senior Citizen card* or ID with date of birth (Israeli resident or foreign resident)
* Per Pensioners’ Law, Ministry of Finance
On presentation of disability card
On presentation of disability card of the escorted individual, stating exemption for said escort
On presentation of military ID or National Service card
On presentation of student card
On presentation of new residents card
On presentation of ICOM card
On presentation of membership card
On presentation of membership card
On presentation of a Tour Guide card
On presentation of Press card
On presentation of Friend card
On presentation of volunteer card
On presentation of retiree card
By appointment
On presentation of membership card
On presentation of membership card
On presentation of membership card